Short Synacthen Test


So, this is a little blog documenting my journey trying to find out what is wrong with me.

I found and joined a Facbook group for Addison's disease last night because I am due to take a SST (Short Synacthen Test tomorrow morning at 8am and I didn't really know much about this whole thing, what it was for etc. I don't even fully understand what is wrong with me. Many years have passed with parents and family telling me to get up out of bed, you're just depressed, get a psychiatric cousellor, stuff that hurts mostly. Work colleagues are more simple; if you can't do the work, we'll get someone else who can.

Anyway here are my brief posts from there.

"Hey there, i'm new here I joined because I have low cortisol levels, and i'm soon to be tested for ACTH stimulation. I have no idea what any of this is or means, it is a very steep learning curve all of a sudden. But I thought I would join here and say hi, and let's see what happens. Thanks for being nice!"

got a call today from the hospital to change my date to Monday morning, and the test will be a short synacthen test. Anybody had this test and did it go ok for you guys? ☺️

I think I am getting this sst test because my cortisol level was 80nmol"

"Sst test happening right now, no cannula, they just injected my shoulder muscle with the synacthen, definitely feel it going in, and feel a good rush from it over the first 8 minutes."
"I had such a good day today after my Short Synacthen Test 😊
After my injection at 8am, I carried through my day normally and took a nap at 5pm. when I woke at 7pm I realised I had such vivid colourful pleasant dreams for the first time in years, the ache in my right ring finger and right toe had turned into a pleasant warm alive pulse. I felt like I had been given life.
I could feel in my right-side cervical spine/base of my skull and spinal cord, a line which was warm and buzzing like it was waking up again.
Alas, it is almost 9pm nw and I can feel things waning again.
Is this normal? Can someone explain? What did the SST test do to elicit this response? 🥳"

Thanks for reading.


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