

 For a lot of years I have been getting a pain in the base of my skull on the right side, sometimes numbness in the right ring finger, sometimes also in the fourth toe on mt right foot. It rarely goes away. It's ongoing in the investigation. I have visited my Doctor, My Dentist, paid privately for scans, Bought blood tests, asked and begged for referrals to consultants such as a neurologist and most recently an endocrinologist which appears to have hit a home run. I lost about 20% vision in my right eye and also struggle to interpret what I see when I cover my left eye and try to identify objects. Various things have appeared over the years at diffeent times, including nausea, dread, toilet problems, loss of appetite or hunger sensation, cough, yeast and mould infections in my airway, saliva glands and tear drying up, crying for no apparent reason possibly Pseudobulbar Affect, loss of mucus in nasal passages, stuffy nose, night cough, shakes or tremor, loss of libido, difficulty th

Short Synacthen Test

  So, this is a little blog documenting my journey trying to find out what is wrong with me. I found and joined a Facbook group for Addison's disease last night because I am due to take a SST (Short Synacthen Test tomorrow morning at 8am and I didn't really know much about this whole thing, what it was for etc. I don't even fully understand what is wrong with me. Many years have passed with parents and family telling me to get up out of bed, you're just depressed, get a psychiatric cousellor, stuff that hurts mostly. Work colleagues are more simple; if you can't do the work, we'll get someone else who can. Anyway here are my brief posts from there. "Hey there, i'm new here I joined because I have low cortisol levels, and i'm soon to be tested for ACTH stimulation. I have no idea what any of this is or means, it is a very steep learning curve all of a sudden. But I thought I would join here and say hi, and let's see what happens. Thanks for